56.7 F

Town council to consider liquor resolution, commissions


The Camp Verde Town Council will once again consider liquor issues at this month’s first regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 1, in Room 106 at Town Hall on Main Street.

It’s not directly related to the recent arguments and revelations concerning how alcohol sales have been handled at special events on town property; the council will instead consider a possible resolution along with other towns to try and persuade the state Legislature to give municipalities more power to “address community-related problems associated with liquor establishments,” for example, giving the opinion of town government more weight with the state Department of Liquor Licenses before issuing liquor permits.

The resolution is one of several being considered, the others including proposals about the possibility of increasing fees for public records requests and an effort to promote conservation of natural resources on State Trust lands.

Mayor Bob Burnside also wants to discuss looking into giving Camp Verde contractors preference when it comes to town-funded projects and services.

With budget cuts being made left and right in these tough financial times, the council plans to look at how to begin combining the duties of the town’s design review board and the town’s planning and zoning commission.

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Other town groups are on the potential chopping block with the town considering a temporary suspension for the town’s housing commission, library advisory commission, trails and pathways commission and parks and recreation commission.

The housing commission has already met for the last time; other commissions are being considered because of the expense of using town employees to support the commissions meetings.

In other business, the council expects to consider:

* A presentation about a survey related to a possible workforce training center in Northern Arizona

* Possible selection of candidates for the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool Board of Trustees

The meeting is at town hall, 473 S. Main Street.


Mark Lineberger

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