Garrison, Parry Win

Norma Garrison and Mike Parry have won seats on Camp Verde’s town council.

Garrison had the largest number of votes with 1,339.

Parry won his first full-term seat after having been appointed in January of 2006 to replace Chet Teague, who resigned.

Parry beat his nearest competitor, Harry L. Duke, by 45 votes.

Jackie Baker lost her bid for a 3rd term on council, with 978 votes to Duke’s 1,141 and Parry’s 1,186.

Turnout for the May 15 election was 52.5  percent, only 7 points below the March 13 primary that saw Tony Gioia re-elected for mayor and Greg Elmer win a seat on council. <!–[endif]–>

At the Camp Verde Unified School District, about 900 voters — a turnout of approximately 19 percent — resoundingly defeated the override request, with votes running more than 4-to-1 against it.

<!–[if !supportEmptyParas]–>The override would have funded a revived music program and decreased class size in the elementary school.

<!–[if !supportEmptyParas]–> Superintendent Jeff Van Handel said the district would focus on providing high quality core curriculum, since that’s the message the voters sent

Staff Reporter

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